4 Rue de Paris, 60430 Noailles, France



la Pharmacie PHARMACIE DE NOAILLES vous accueille au 4 Rue de Paris, 60430 Noailles, France. Découvrez un service de qualité et une expertise inégalée.

Toute l'équipe de PHARMACIE DE NOAILLES est ravie de vous accueillir pour vous offrir une expérience exceptionnelle. Profitez de notre savoir-faire et de nos services professionnels.

Nos horaires d'ouverture sont les suivants:

Lundi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mardi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mercredi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Jeudi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Vendredi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Samedi 08h30 17h00
Dimanche Fermé
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42 Reviews
Luigi P.

Luigi P.


Null. Dispenses prescription medications drop by drop. They take into account all doctors combined even if a specialist gives you the same medicine as the general practitioner. If your general practitioner gives you 10 tablets It's always 10. Completely stupid!! What's the point of paying 90E to a specialist to cancel your medication(s)???? So zero. Fortunately not all pharmacies do this, otherwise we would not be able to follow the treatment given. Phew




Very satisfied with this pharmacy so far. However, very unhappy with my last experience. My prescription for amoxicillin 250mg was prescribed for a baby. After giving the treatment I notice that the dose on the bottle is doubled to 500mg (luckily I realize this at the start of the treatment) and I return to the pharmacy. The only answer I get is "sorry, I forgot to warn you that we are out of stock and that I didn't give you the right bottle and therefore that the doses had to be divided by 2. At worst If you hadn’t realized it, it’s not serious, he would have just had very bad diarrhea.” Great excuse, I give my child medicine to make him sicker than he already is... Usually the relationship is very good in this pharmacy but this time there was a big failure this time.

wilfried h.

wilfried h.


Very pleasant, attentive and attentive staff. Always good advice, I highly recommend this pharmacy.




If you have a prescription, RAS, however if you need an opinion, that's where it gets complicated. We systematically leave with ineffective and overpriced products. I was offered two plant-based sprays (nose and throat) available in your garden and lozenges for almost 40th. The price being secondary but significant for solutions which are systematically useless and after having been fooled several times despite having stipulated the ineffectiveness of the products already used, I changed pharmacies.

Guylene A.

Guylene A.


Always greeted with a smile. Very attentive staff and good advice. I highly recommend.


4 Rue de Paris, 60430 Noailles, France

Ce numéro valable 5 min n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Pourquoi ce numéro ?

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mardi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mercredi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Jeudi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Vendredi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Samedi 08h30 17h00
Dimanche Fermé