Pharmacie de Milly

1067 Av. de Milly, 74500 Neuvecelle, France


Pharmacie Pharmacie de Milly

la Pharmacie Pharmacie de Milly vous accueille au 1067 Av. de Milly, 74500 Neuvecelle, France. Découvrez un service de qualité et une expertise inégalée.

Toute l'équipe de Pharmacie de Milly est ravie de vous accueillir pour vous offrir une expérience exceptionnelle. Profitez de notre savoir-faire et de nos services professionnels.

Nos horaires d'ouverture sont les suivants:

Lundi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mardi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mercredi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Jeudi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Vendredi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Samedi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h00
Dimanche Fermé
Découvrez d'Autres Pharmacies à neuvecelle


34 Reviews
Sofia F.

Sofia F.



Roland Z.

Roland Z.


Great pharmacy, always attentive to the customer, good advice. Very pleasant staff.

Elisabeth G.

Elisabeth G.


I arrived this evening 40 minutes before closing with my 5-year-old daughter with an ear infection for teleconsultation...the estimated time was longer than closing time...we were still accepted...received as with a lot of attention !! Very very kind and human staff. Thank you very much.

sandra l.

sandra l.


A big thank you to the whole team, always excellent advice, attentive and all with a smile. I came for an opinion following an injury, I was immediately offered a teleconsultation to obtain a medical opinion. indeed, I needed antibiotic treatment.

johanne c.

johanne c.


I have been taking my medicines in this pharmacy for a little over a year, it was €300 each time. The girls in the pharmacy are exceptional, very very nice. On the other hand, the manager is unfriendly, doesn't know how to smile, when you have a question I send you to the roses. I'm seriously considering changing pharmacies. It's a shame because it's close to where I live and the girls are very nice. But I can no longer give you your free thoughts for nothing.

Pharmacie de Milly

1067 Av. de Milly, 74500 Neuvecelle, France

Ce numéro valable 5 min n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Pourquoi ce numéro ?

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mardi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Mercredi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Jeudi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Vendredi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h30
Samedi 08h30 12h30, 14h00 19h00
Dimanche Fermé

site: Pharmacie de Milly